
Hi! I am Guru - a graduate student in Computer Science at Colorado State University. I work in Computer Vision Lab under Dr. Bruce Draper and Dr. Ross Beveridge. I am involved in one of the coolest projects Communicating with Computers in computer vision. My current research work for M.S. thesis focuses on exploring and developing Convolutional Neural Networks, specifically the Pose Machines, for Human Pose Estimation from only RGB images.

Previously, I was an undergraduate research student in the Robotics Lab of MIT Pune, India under the guidance of my adviser late Dr. Savita Kulkarni. I worked with a team of awesome students to build some awesome Robots like these and these from our Youtube channel!

I love to hike and bike on scenic trails and mountains. I also love learning interesting things about space exploration and archaeology.

Check out some of my projects and posts assembled in categories in the Navigation Bar at the top. If you don’t like reading and enjoy browsing images then jump directly to this gallery page.